A 14-week group nutrition and fitness program created to support you and your journey of navigating towards a more empowered relationship with food and your body.

Next Round STARTS JUNE 29, 2023!

Hi, I'm Angela. Thanks for being here! I'd love to ask you a few questions...

When was the last time you felt at home in your body?

When were you as committed to making time for yourself and your goals as you are of taking care of everyone and everything else?

When did you feel excited and motivated to exercise?
When was the last time you remember not stressing about carbs or calories?

When was the last time you didn't rely on the scale or your fitness tracker to feel "in control" of your weight?

A year ago? 5 years ago? Not since you were a kid? You can't even remember?

If that sounds like you... You're not alone. 

For so long, I hated my body and tried every diet and exercise program thinking it would be THE ONE to help me feel confident and happy. It wasn't until I was crying on a hotel bathroom floor after a binge that I knew I had to figure out how to stop obsessing 24/7 over "fixing" my body.

I created EAT, MOVE, THRIVE because I didn't want other women spending decades trying to learn how to make friends with food and their bodies. LIFE IS TOO DAMN SHORT!!! And your purpose in life is more than just thinking about food and worrying about your body.

I don't know about you, but I want to be present with people I love instead of stressing over food or what I look like, feel energized and strong (throughout the day and in my workouts) instead of depleted and stressed, enjoy ice cream or pizza without overeating it and feeling like I need to make up for it later, take pictures and make memories instead of stressing about being posed perfectly to hide my stomach or arms, actually enjoy moving my body...

If you are overwhelmed with trying to navigate the oh-so confusing and conflicting nutrition and fitness space, and are ready to say yes to that next diet plan to help you feel better...

EAT, MOVE, THRIVE is a 14-week group program here to help you ditch the diet culture mentality, figure out realistic and attainable goals, and start building small sustainable habits to get you to how you want to feel!


Does this sound like you?

  • Want to enjoy exercising instead of seeing it as another chore you HAVE to do or as a punishment for what you ate
  •  Feel like you know what you should be doing, but you just aren't doing it
  • You want to look and feel your best, but you open instagram or Google and fall down a rabbit hole of overwhelm and comparison
  • You want find the balance between eating all the pasta and never eating pasta
  • You are tired of death gripping a number or pant size to feel successful and confident
  • You want to have energy for your job, family, friends, but are stuck putting yourself on the back burner
  • You are exhausted with tracking calories and stressing over food, but intuitive eating feels scary too because you still don't feel happy with how you look and are terrified of gaining weight

If you said YES to any of the above- you may be a perfect fit for EAT MOVE THRIVE!

Eat, Move, Thrive is not here to scream a solution at you.  

Diets and diet culture have done that for years. And they made you think that you are the problem. The way you eat, the way you look... it's all you.  

You aren't the problem. And you know if it's time to unravel all that sh*t!
(And it's ok if it's not time. You don’t have to be ready for this, you can love the idea and not be available to move in this direction, please know this is okay) 


Eat, Move, Thrive is here to help you take what makes sense for you and leave behind what doesn’t.

Seriously, no shame or shade if you still measure your oatmeal or want your salad dressing on the side at restaurants.


  • You over-indulge on the weekend or after a stressful day at work, but it's no longer a big deal that makes you feel like sh*t about yourself or has you googling diets to try
  • Staying consistent with exercise and eating feels so much easier because not putting unrealistic standards on yourself 
  • You have a toolbox full of strategies to build balanced meals and manage stress-- and yes, getting takeout is one of them!
  • You're not obsessing over food 24/7 because you see through the B.S. of diet culture and are figuring out what works best for YOU and YOUR BODY
  • You aren't spending your time and energy checking your reflection in the mirror or thinking about your body 2849875983457 times a day
  • You're figuring out how to feel in control of how you feel in your body and how much to eat and exercise without consulting your fitness tracker, MyFitnessPal, or the scale 
  • You are able to motivate yourself even on the days when you don't feel like exercising AND you don't feel guilty if you do miss a workout or don't feel like working out
  • You have multiple ways to manage stress and emotions without restricting food or overeating being your go-to
  • You are learning to make friends with your inner critic so you can be kinder to your kickass unique body 

At the end of 14-weeks will you never feel guilty about eating, always prioritize your workouts, and love your bod 24/7??? Probably not.

Will you be way more knowledgable about nutrition, intuitive eating, exercise, and your inner workings? YES.

Eat, Move, Thrive is a space that will:
- help support and guide you
- ask you to question and unravel your thoughts around food, exercise and your body
- give you tools so you are living life where you have more interesting things to talk about besides what you ate/didn't eat.

Wouldn't it be cool to decide how to eat, move, and exist in your body in a way that works for you???

Eat, Move, Thrive is FOR YOU if you...

  • Are open to letting go of controlling food and your body
  • Are ready to let go of numbers and measure your progress without the scale
  • Want a coach to help guide you through the process
  • Want to be in a group of supportive women with similar struggles 
  • Are open to talking about your struggles and seeing failure as feedback 

Eat, Move, Thrive is NOT for you if you're...

  • Looking for a meal plan or fad diet program
  • Looking for a "quick fix" to lose weight
  • Not willing to keep an open mind to learn new approaches and strategies involving food and working out
  • Don't want to work in a group coaching setting
  • Aren't prepared to set goals beyond weight loss

This all sounds great! What does this program actually look like?


Weekly Zoom calls for group coaching where we deep dive in to a topic on nutrition, eating, body image, fitness and more... plus time for Q&A

You also get 4 one-on-one bonus calls with me for extra support!


Online, pre recorded, go at your own pace videos to learn all about setting goals, intuitive eating, emotional eating, managing stress, meal planning, staying consistent with exercise and more!


Group accountability with women going through a similar journey as you as well as constant support through a private community portal where you have access to me 24/5


3 follow along workouts per week (total body, upper body, and lower body). All 30-45 minutes in length


Downloadable PDFs with resources and recipes to enhance your knowledge 


Optional 3 day food journal audits where you get personalized feedback so you can reach your goals. You have access to this 1-3 times throughout the program.

Hi, I'm Angela!

I am a certified nutrition coach, master health coach, and personal trainer. I help my clients unlearn diet culture through intuitive eating principles so they are living life instead of stressing about calories and their bodies.

I believe that food shouldn't be a source of stress, that all bodies are good bodies, and that exercise doesn't need to be intense to be effective.

I am certified through Precision Nutrition and the American Council on Exercise.

This program is what I wish I had when I was struggling with food and body image and I'm so excited that you are here learning more about it!

What are past participants saying?

"I was not comfortable in my skin. It was a constant battle of what I looked like or what others saw when they looked at me. Now I look at myself in the mirror and smile. 

I had an unhealthy relationship with food. I didn't know what my body neededI now know SO much more about feeding myself and I don't stress over it. 
Before meeting Angela-  If I wanted to lose weight, I tracked all of my meals, and if I stopped tracking, I gained the weight back. I was tired all the time and finally decided I’d had enough.

Eat Move Thrive taught me how to listen to my body. I learned I was tired all the time because I wasn't eating enough! When I started choosing foods that kept me fuller, my daily mid-afternoon binges stopped. I started having more energy. 

The tools I learned and habits I created have been life-changing!  And I’ve lost about 10 pounds- without tracking. If you want to focus on being healthy and happy in your own skin- EMT is for you.
Eat Move Thrive provided everything I needed to be my best self- it fueled my mind, body, and soul. I am so grateful for Angela and the women I met.

I am more confident, stronger, and feel more motivated.

I feel like I have so many tools in my belt to set me up for continued success-- for both eating and exercising.
I have become kinder to myself--I have worked hard to turn down the volume on my internal dialogue that was often so mean and counterproductive.

I have also I have noticed a change in my upper body strength by incorporating more strength training.

While I didn't see the scale move, I feel less dependent upon the scale. I also think I've really started to hone in on understanding when I'm hungry and moving away from relying upon food as an emotional crutch (a huge win!).

I also loved the community that we created as a group of women.
 I feel so much  stronger mentally and physically.

I didn’t realize how easy it could be to implement simple strength moves at home to improve my overall fitness level. In addition, I didn’t realize how some of my negative habits were impacting my life. I’m now eating more mindfully and making my health a priority.

I also loved circling up with our little community and sharing common fears. It helped me realize that I am not alone in my fitness journey.

Angela was such a light for us all! She encouraged me and helped me in so many ways.  If you are looking to get yourself out of a rut and become empowered, this program is for you!
I absolutely made progress toward my goals. First of all, I can now call myself on my own bullshit. I know my triggers, I can recognize my patterns, and have the tools to move forward. I cannot express how life changing that is. For years, I have told myself that I don’t have time for myself, in other words, that I’m not worth it. This is the first time in years that I have dedicated quality time to me. I still have lots of work to do, in order to become that person that I visualized on our first call. But I have clarity and know the power of my own strength. I know it’s a daily practice, it takes constant work, and it’s hard, and that’s okay. I AM worth it.

I want in! How do I sign up?

Just fill out a quick application 

From there I'll send you an email to schedule a zoom call to make sure that Eat, Move, Thrive is the right fit for you. I always want to make sure that this program will help you reach YOUR goals!

If you have more questions- feel free to email me at angelabeaulieucoaching@gmail.com!


How many women are in the program?
In order to keep the group intimate, a max of 12 women will be enrolled in the course. This allows me to truly give each person the support they need as well as a chance for everyone to truly get to know each other.

When are the weekly calls?
The group time is will be decided when the next group of amazing women sign up. I do try and make it a time that works for everyone.

What if I can't make the weekly calls?
You get the most out of the program if you are on the live calls, but I understand that life gets busy and unexpected events come up. All calls are recorded and the replays are made available an hour after the call. 

How much time do the weekly video modules take?
Each week is a bit different, but the videos are 10-20 min long and there are 2-3 each week. Not every week has video modules. We have some weeks without so that you are able to apply the information and catch up if necessary.

Do I need exercise equipment?
Eat, Move, Thrive does have a strength training program with it. I recommend a set of light (3-5lb), medium (8-12lb), and heavy weights (15+).  If you don't have light weights, canned goods or wine bottles come in handy. You can always buy heavier weights as you need them. Each month has an upper body (30min), lower body (30min), and total body (45min) workout for you to follow along with.

What if I already follow an exercise routine?
Great! You don't have to give it up. I do suggest using the strength workouts provided and we will talk about adding in other forms of movement. Of course, everything is always up to you. So if you don't want to do the workouts in favor of your own, that is 100% ok. We can also talk about this further after you apply and we set up a call.

My goal is to lose weight, will I?
I don't guarantee weight loss results as this is not a weight loss program. If your goal is to lose weight- that is 100% ok.  Eat, Move, Thrive focuses on understanding nutrition through intuitive eating principles, building healthy habits, and strength training. If weight loss is a goal, we will explore why and work on creating habits that will have you feeling your best. You will learn to set goals and monitor progress that aren't tied to specific numbers. I also encourage you to check out the client testimonials above!

What is intuitive eating? 
A lot of people think intuitive eating means "eat whatever you want, whenever you want".  It is so much more than that. Intuitive eating is a set of 10 principles designed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch designed to have you living a life without dieting. In the beginning, it will probably feel harder than dieting. If you tried intuitive eating in the past and "it didn't work", I have some ideas on why and would love to chat with you more.

This all sounds great, but how much is the program? 
This is the first year that I am offering scaled pricing because I believe that health and wellness is for everyone. The full program price is $1600 and payment plans are available for each level, see below for scaled pricing information


Scaled pricing is a practice that helps people enter this program in a sustainable way. It also relies on the principles of truth, respect for complexity, and accountability. This scale is based on supporting others who have historically been ignored, harmed, and excluded from educational resources and privileges. Please consider your intersecting identities and choose on the scale what feels right for you.

*Basic needs include food, housing, healthcare, and transportation
** Expendable income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies, go to restaurants, or pay for a membership program, buy new clothes, etc
***For every 2 Level 1 sign ups, a full ride scholarship will be open for someone who is unable to financially invest. Your investment will help support another community member.



one time payment or payment plans available

  • You are able to comfortable meet your basic* needs
  • You have a high degree of earning power
  • Own your home or property OR rent a higher-end property
  • You have regular access to health care
  • Have access to financial savings Have an expendable* income

Level 1


one time payment or payment plans available

  • You are able to comfortably meet all your basic* needs
  • You have a high degree of earning power
  • Own your home or property OR rent a higher-end property
  • You have regular access to health care
  • Have access to financial savings
  • Have an expendable* income
  • And you want to pay more to support others who currently don't have financial privilege & stability

Level 3


one time payment or payment plans available

  • You are able to comfortably meet most of your basic* needs
  • You have stable housing
  • May have some debt but does not impede attainment of basic needs
  • You are employed and/or have a consistent stream of income

Course Curriculum